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Why are Sanitary Pads Better Than Tampons and Other Products?

Blood flow is the main reason why most girls fear menstruation, since this means that there could be a prominent chance of staining the clothes in public. This could become a matter of great embarrassment for women. But if they have a reliable companion, which can take care of their blood flow, women can certainly become much more confident about facing the world even during those difficult days.

Let us first take a look at a number of options women have to ensure that menstrual flow is best absorbed, as well as certain factors that can help you choose the best product.

Common Products Used by a Woman During Her Periods

1.      Sanitary Napkins: This is a disposable, thin pad made of an absorbent material meant specifically to absorb menstrual blood. Products like Nana sanitary pads come in different shapes and sizes to absorb both heavy and light bleeding.
2.      Tampons: Made up of soft cotton pressed together to form a cylindrical shape, tampons are much smaller and can be inserted directly into the vagina.
3.      Menstrual Cups: Made of medical grade silicone, menstrual cups collect the menstrual flow rather than absorbing it, for which it is worn inside the vagina.

Advantages of Using Sanitary Napkins

·         Easy to Use: It is very easy to use such products and are much safer in situations of excessive bleeding as they have better absorbency. But it is always advised to change your sanitary pad after every six hours to avoid pad rash and infection.

·         Variable Shapes and Sizes: Companies like Nana offer sanitary pads in various shapes and sizes. This provides a convenient option for women to choose according to the heaviness of their menstrual flow, variation in flow during the day and night, etc.

·         Fewer Health Risks: Products like tampons and menstrual cups are used by inserting them inside the vagina. It is found that tampons, when left in the vagina for a long time, can cause bacterial growth. In cases when blood flow is light, tampons can stick to the vaginal walls, which when removed can cause tiny abrasions. There is no such problem with sanitary pads, which provide external protection.

·         No Toxic Shock Syndrome: Toxic shock syndrome affects especially those menstruating women who use super-absorbent tampons. As a result, the blood pressure of the body drops, depriving the organs of oxygen. In much severe cases, this condition can lead to death. Toxic shock syndrome has also been linked to the use of diaphragms, menstrual sponges and cervical caps. 


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