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Wart Removal: Good, Bad or Ugly?

The skin care market in India has witnessed growth at a CAGR of 16.4 percent between 2011 and 2015 and this rate is expected to double by 2021. This industry is largely dominated by skin fairness creams but the luxury skin care segment has also seen a huge rise in demand in recent times.

One of the problems being faced by the country for quite some time now is that of warts. These raised bumps on the skin are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and have also been discovered on 3,000 year-old mummies. Despite human beings having suffered from these growths for millennia, there still any trick to avoid or prevent them.

Although they are not considered dangerous, they are ugly, embarrassing, contagious and above all, painful.

What Do They Look Like and What Causes Them?

Warts can form in various sizes and appearances. They can be black dots at the bottom of your foot, lone flat bumps on the back of your hands or massive clusters covering large areas of your skin. And, they can even look scary at times too. Unfortunately, you don't have super powers like Wade Wilson, so your only option is to go for skin wart removal.

All these warts are cause by HPV. Before you underestimate them, there are over 100 types of HPV that are capable of causing warts. Although most of them appear on your hands or feet, few strains can cause them to appear in and around your genitals, making things really ugly.

Some common types of warts are:
  • Plantar Warts: On the soles of the feet.
  • Palmer Warts: Found on the palms
  • Flat Warts: Found on the back of the hand and also other parts of the body. These are flatter and smaller than other warts.
  • Genital/Anal Warts: These appear around the genital area.

How to Treat Them?

The good thing about warts is that most of them disappear with time. However, it may take as long as one to two years, so you can also use skin wart removal creams. It advised not to try and treat them at home as it can make matters worse. Here is when you should consider seeking professional help:

  • When they start appearing on sensitive parts of your body like genitals, mouth or nostrils.
  • When there are signs of bleeding, infection or pus around it.
  • If it starts paining.
  • When the colour of the wart starts to change.
  • Lastly, if you have other diseases like diabetes or HIV/AIDS that can lead to immune deficiency.


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