Your skin care routine, diet, sleep times and
environmental factors all play a part in adding pimples to your face. We decode
what your pimples are saying.
As a busy woman
with several tasks to complete right this minute, you may be left with little
time to yourself every day. In your spare time, you might prefer to catch up on
your hobbies or socialising. Very few women are able to devote more than
cursory time for skin care and preparing healthy meals. Soon, your skin breaks
out in pimples.
However, before you
look for ways on how
to remove pimples, it is
important to know that pimples occurring on specific parts of the face indicate
deeper problems within. We outline the common problem areas and how to remove
pimples based on their occurrence:
On the forehead: Pimples
on the forehead indicate a deeper digestive issue. It could mean that you are
unable to digest certain foods, or that these foods irritate the intestinal
tract. The forehead is also likely to develop pimples if you forgot to wash
last evening’s make-up off before going to bed. Most often, it indicates a
fatty liver or a processing issue with the kidneys.
Act on it: Add raw fruit to your diet, consuming Vitamin C-rich fruit like papaya
and pineapple half an hour before meal time. The fruit helps the digestive
tract break down heavier food. Also change your pillow case regularly and wash
your face before going to bed.
On the nose: It is
not common to get pimples on the nose. However, blackheads and whiteheads may
certainly appear on the nose. Getting pimples on the nose is a result of junk
food (too much sodium and oil can cause pimple breakouts). If you had junk food
last night and went to bed immediately after, you will most likely develop a
pimple on the nose the morning after.
Act on it: Ask your doctor to chart out a juice cleanse regime for you. It should
last only a couple of days. Meanwhile, cut junk food out of your life. A diet
of raw vegetable salads, yogurt-based proteins and lemon juice in warm water
will clear your skin up.
On the cheeks:
Pimples on the cheeks are indicative of poor skin care and pollution. The skin
on the cheeks is most likely to get pimples as a response to air pollution,
your greasy hair, lack of daily moisturising, a diet rich in processed sugar
and butter, etc. The cheeks are the most common area for pimples for most
Act on it: Cut back processed sugar from your diet, and start a daily cleansing
and moisturising routine. Make sure to wash your face with a mild face wash
before you go to bed every night.
On the chin: Pimples
on the chin normally indicate hormonal imbalances. They can occur just before
you get your menstrual period. They can also occur if you are on hormonal
medication for treating a gynaecological condition. Your dermatologist can
recommend counter medication to get rid of these pimples.
Act on it: Cleanse the chin area gently. Pimples on the chin are harder and more
stubborn than pimples elsewhere. So if you pop them, they are more likely to
leave spots and scars.
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