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A highly sensitive matter…

It can get really difficult to remove hair from sensitive skin. But there are some easy remedies you can try.

Those with sensitive skin make their peace with a lot of things that the rest of the world takes for granted. Many cannot get massages or use soaks containing essential oils. They cannot spray perfume directly on their skin and have to spray it on their clothes. They cannot wear certain fabrics that cause chafing. And most cannot use personal hygiene products without developing unpleasant side effects.
Even those products that claim to be gentle on the skin may contain synthetic substances that irritate sensitive skin. Hair removal products like hot wax and depilatory creams often fall under this category. Those with sensitive skin find it risky to shave as well, since the razor blades can irritate the sensitive skin and cause chafing and itching.

But women with body hair and sensitive skin are not doomed to retaining the hair because their skin does not allow any scents, oils or chemicals to come into contact with it. There are products created especially for sensitive skin hair removal that minimise the chances of any untoward side effects. Using these products and methods can help even those with sensitive skin enjoy the benefits of hair-free skin.

Veet has special sensitive skin hair removal creams and waxes that are designed to meet all the needs of sensitive skin.

Creams: Veet’s Silk & Fresh Hair Removal Cream is fortified with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E. Both are known to be skin-soothing ingredients that provide long term hydration to the skin’s cells and tissues. You will find that your skin stays soft and glowing even 24 hours after using this cream to remove hair. The cream works as close to the root of the hair as possible, giving you smooth, hair-free skin for up to one week after removal.

Wax strips: Veet’s revolutionary wax strips take the sting out of waxing and make the process an easier one for those with sensitive skin. Its wax strips for sensitive skin are fortified with Vitamin E and Almond Oil – these ingredients replenish the moisture lost to waxing, and keep the skin soft and glowing for long. If you are afraid of waxing with shorter hair, don’t worry – the wax strips are designed to handle hair as short as 2 mm in length. Veet also has Face Wax Strips and Care kit with a special application to focus on the smaller areas of skin, such as the chin, upper lip and sideburns.

The best part is, Veet’s sensitive skin hair removal products are designed to tackle hair removal at the first instance, so that you don’t have to go over the same area of skin again.


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