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Don't Neglect Your Feet; Soft, Beautiful Feet Tell a Lot About You

You spend so much time in front of the mirror, put in a lot of effort to look good by using so many beauty products and makeup. You try the best product available in the market to make yourself look beautiful. Doing this is good, and you must take care of your face, but have you spared as much thought and effort on your feet as other parts of your body?

Why Feet?
Feet take the entire weight of the body and are a vital part which gives balance to the body. After a long and tiring day, it’s not only your body but your feet too which are worn out and start aching. It needs a little pampering off and on.

The feet area generally is the most neglected part of the body. When you go out shopping for a beauty product, do foot care products figure in your list even? This results in cracked heels, calluses and other problematic conditions which are as vital as other diseases.

How to take care of your feet?
The General Wash: Firstly, try to keep them clean just like you take care of the other parts of the body. Scrub your feet when taking a bath, wash your feet after you return from outside and keep your shoes clean. Follow this general cleaning rule.

Do A Home Pedicure: If you have cracked heels and calluses do a home pedicure regularly. For doing this, soak your feet in a tub of warm water, add a few salt crystals and let your feet get smooth and soft. Once your feet soften, scrub with a pumice stone in the callused area to remove dirt and bacteria and rub the other part of the feet gently and then dry them with a soft towel. After your foot is dry, apply a good quality moisturizer.

Keeping It Up To The Mark!
Here are few tips that will help you in maintaining the foot really well.
          If you get cracked heels regularly, wear soft and good quality footwear which covers your heels. Wear socks at night after washing and moisturizing your feet.
          Always keep your nails trimmed and clean and use nail polish to make it look attractive.
          Use moisturizers like coconut oil or Vaseline on the heel areas to prevent from cracking.

You must take really proper care of your feet as beautiful feet is as sexy as a beautiful body and add to your sex appeal.  So, if you want to get those gorgeous looking feet, take good care of them by adhering to a regular foot care regime.

For the aesthetic point of view too, attractive feet give out a lot about you. An immaculate pair of feet gives that well groomed and healthy look. So follow the mentioned foot care suggestions and keep your feet clean. There's no way why you can't have feet that you can show off and be proud of instead of hiding them.


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