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Pull away that ugly coat of hair!

Too tired or busy to book a salon appointment, and hate using waxing strips? There’s another waxing solution – stripless wax!

Body hair is the bane of every woman’s life. Most other beauty-related problems – age spots, fine lines, patchy skin – can be cured with the right products. But there is no cure for body hair. It seems like you are on a lifelong battle against body hair, waxing it off at every opportunity so that you get the freedom to wear whatever you want.

But waxing often involves going to the salon. This is a chore that takes up a lot of time. You can try waxing at home, using strips or stripless wax.

Cold wax strips work great, but…
You may have tried cold or hot wax before, and found that it gets the job done really well. They are easy to use, and they pull away all the hair at once. But you might want a waxing solution that is quicker and which does not involve waxing strips. If you have despaired of finding such a solution, take heart: you can use stripless wax.

What is stripless wax?
As the name implies, it is a hair waxing solution that does not involve the use of waxing strips. Leading hair removal brands in the world have devised innovative stripless wax solutions that make waxing easy and effective.

Veet has a wonderful waxing product, the Veet Spawax. It is a revolutionary product in which the wax is present in the form of a round disc. The disc is placed inside a special heating implement (included in the kit) and warmed for a certain time as directed. Once the wax is melted to the desired temperature, it is applied on the skin using a blunt knife.

The beauty of this waxing system is that the wax itself functions like a strip. Apply the wax evenly on the skin and wait for a few moments till it dries. Exposure to air begins to dry the wax rapidly. Once dried, the wax becomes a malleable ‘strip’ that grips the hair tightly. It can now be pulled off just like a cloth strip, and with better control.

Why Veet Spawax is the ultimate solution
Not only does it eliminate the need for separate cloth strips, Veet Spawax offers the following benefits:

·         The heating implement maintains the warm temperature throughout. There is no chance of overheating and scalding the skin during the wax.

·         The wax adheres to the hair and grips it better, pulling it off perfectly each time.
·         The wax is able to remove hair even as short as 2mm in length, which other waxes cannot.
·         You get hair-free skin for up to 28 days after waxing. Meanwhile, you can wear whatever you want without worrying about body hair showing.

How do you like the stripless wax solution? Isn’t it a great way to get smooth skin for longer?


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