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Removing facial hair? Prep your skin first

Facial waxing removes the hair from the roots, but you must take care to prepare your skin prior to waxing. We outline the process.

Of all the annoying things to happen in the life of a woman, sporting hair on the face is the absolute worst.

You can’t shave it, nor can you thread it away yourself. You are forced to schedule facial waxing appointments at the salon. But there is seldom time to go to the salon. Meanwhile, the hair grows unabated.

There is a way to remove the facial hair by yourself, and it takes just a few minutes out of your busy schedule. You can do facial waxing by yourself, armed with cold wax strips designed for use on the face.

How to prepare the skin for waxing

The facial skin is delicate and thinner than the skin on the rest of the body. So, you are bound to feel more discomfort when you wax the hair on the face rather than elsewhere. However, the right cold wax strips are designed for removing facial hair without causing trauma. Besides, they moisturize the skin as they work, so you are left with a radiant visage post-wax.

Do take care to prep your skin prior to facial waxing. Follow these steps:
·         A couple of hours before waxing, wash the face with a mild face wash. Cleanse and moisturize the skin as you normally do. 

·         Use a gentle exfoliating scrub on the face to remove dead skin cells, dried sweat and any other surface impurities. Clean skin helps the wax adhere to the facial hair better.

·         Do not apply any cream or serums to the face till you finish waxing. About five minutes before you start, apply an ice cube all over the face and jawbone. This numbs the skin and you will not feel the discomfort as acutely. 

·         You may even take a painkiller about 30 minutes prior to waxing so that you feel less discomfort.

How to use the facial waxing strips

·         Take the strip out of the box and rub it between your hands to loosen the wax a little.
·         Remove the plastic covering from the strip and apply the wax side directly on the face. Smoothen the strip in place and hold the grip tab.

·         Pull the strip in one quick motion against the direction of hair growth. Reapply if some hair is left behind. You can use the same strip about three times before taking a fresh one.

·         Once all the hair is removed, use the wipe provided with the pack to remove any excess wax. 

·         Wash the face and pat dry. If you feel that the skin is dry, you can apply a bit of relaxing cream or moisturizer. Do not apply soap, sunblock or tanning cream for at least 24 hours after waxing.


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