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Here's What You Skin's Telling You

Your skin gives you many hints about what ails it. Paying heed to these common signs of distress will give you healthy skin for longer, as will using the best skin care products.

As humans, we tend to ignore hints of trouble unless the problem becomes an acute one. That constant sniffle which we dismiss as a minor cold points to an undiagnosed health concern. That constant hair loss points not just to stress, but to alopecia. Similarly, the skin problems that we commonly dismiss as minor ones often point to issues within.

Arm yourself with the best skin care problems to tackle these common skin maladies – and pay attention to what they’re telling you:

* Acne. Adult acne is stubborn and often does not resolve itself. It can be caused by a variety of problems, from stress to hormonal imbalance, and from antibiotic reaction to environmental factors. Acne disappears when the irritant causing it is eliminated. You can treat it with a dermatologist’s help, drinking a lot of water, eating water-rich fruit, and maintaining an active lifestyle.

* Oily skin. Oily skin is a result of overactive sebaceous glands. The glands secrete more sebum into the skin and scalp when the weather gets warmer, or due to stress, lack of sleep, etc. Oily skin that is not cleansed regularly can give rise to pimples and acne. It also imparts a dull appearance to the skin. Be careful about using the best skin care products to combat the problems of oily skin, taking advice from an expert dermatologist before doing so. Normally, a daily cleansing, toning and moisturising routine can help balance the sebum levels. Drinking a lot of water, exercising regularly and clarifying facials can also help.

* Tanned skin. Prolonged exposure to the harsh sunlight can cause tanning and dullness in the skin. Skin exposed to the sunlight for long can become darker and prone to heat rashes. Tanned skin is an indicator of excessive melanin production, and that the skin needs respite from harmful UV rays. Cover up the exposed parts of the skin and limit sun exposure. Never step out without wearing sun block cream (SPF 30 or higher) and apply cooling cucumber pulp to the irritated areas. Your dermatologist can recommend the best skin care products to lighten the skin.

* Rashes and pimples. A rash is often a sign of a skin infection. Red, itchy rashes may be a symptom of prolonged sun exposure, the start of herpes, or even a disruption in the HPV that lives on human skin. Meanwhile, pimples are a sign of unclean, stressed skin. If the skin is harbouring excess oil and dirt on the surface, then pimples erupt and may leave blemishes after they subside. Keep the skin cleansed and moisturised every day, and drink lots of water and green tea to flush out toxins from the skin.

* Pigmentation. Skin pigmentation may occur due to a poor diet, lack of skin hygiene, prolonged sun exposure, inability of the skin to repair itself, premature aging, etc. It can be corrected with several lifestyle changes, having a balanced diet, drinking lots of water and using the best skin care products suggested by your dermatologist. Homemade fruit masks can also help restore hydration and help the skin heal and renew its cells much faster.


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