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What is the average period between two-period cycles

The length of Menstruation cycle-What’s Normal and What’s Not?

Guessing the correct day when the period will actually start has been a tough puzzle for many women. Many times, it happens that you are all geared up with your Nana Sanitary pads on, and you don’t get your period that day. You keep wondering whether your friend who has 28-day menstruation cycle has a normal cycle or you with 32 days long cycle. This bizarre which is created by our menstruation cycle pops up many questions about the optimal length of the menstruation cycle.

The menstrual cycles signal many things relating to our health and body. The most relieving part of the menstruation cycle is that there is nothing like single perfect menstruation cycle. So normally your menstrual cycle should range between 25 to 35 days. But if your periods are falling in this parameter it certainly does not mean that you cycle is healthy. The point to be noted is that not only the average time between your period cycle should fall in this limit, but it should be same. It means the length of your cycle should be consistent and should not change every month.  In simple words, if you have a menstruation cycle of 28 days in one month, then 32 days in next and 35 days in the following, your menstruation cycle is not normal, it’s irregular. This also means that you might be having an irregular hormonal fluctuation which needs to be discussed with your doctor as it can affect your fertility in future.

If your cycle doesn’t fall in the standard constraint of 25-35 days then also it implies different symptoms of the hormonal flaw you are suffering from. In case your period cycle length is below 25 days then you may have Luteal Phase Defect. This condition means that the second half of your menstruation cycle, that is, after ovulation, is short and signals a hormonal imbalance known as Estrogen Dominance in which the estrogen levels escalate to abnormally high levels in comparison to the progesterone levels. Also if your period cycle is elongated to more than 35 days, you may be suffering from a condition which either delays ovulation or prevents it from occurring it all together. You may blame Amenorrhea and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome for this. In both the conditions, you should contact your doctor to take some corrective steps to stop the chaos which your hormones are creating in your body.

Also, one more thing to remember is that if you bleed outside your period days, it is not at all normal. This could mean that you have very low progesterone levels which actually signal the brain and uterus to keep your uterus lining intact until the end of your period cycle. However, some women do experience ovulation spotting lasting for 1-2 days during the ovulation which is normal. One more point of consideration is that certain contraceptives alter the menstruation cycle so in these cases consult the doctor about your normal bracket.

The normal regular menstruation cycle hints the health of your body so try to keep a check on the irregularities and contact your health care provider immediately if irregularities become steady occurrence. 


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