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Effective way for laser hair removal

Bid Goodbye to Body Hair Forever With Kaya Laser Hair Treatment

According to a study, almost every woman wastes over 72 days removing unwanted hair to look pretty and clean. And still, these conventional ways to get rid of hair like waxing, crème removal and shaving result in bruises, scars and sometimes skin infections that make the body parts opposite of what they wanted. So what is the one solution to the routine hair removals and to get rid of the after pains that follow? Well, can’t say for everyone but Kaya is here to offer the best solution with its Laser hair removal.

What is laser hair removal and how does it work?
The treatment of getting rid of all your body hairs in one go, like on the hands, legs and even bikini by altering the growth follicle and destroying it by a concentrated beam of light is called the laser hair removal treatment. In this, a concentrated beam of light is passed to the melanin which is the dark pigment in the hair, and the heat neutralizes the follicle through it. This destroys the hair shaft and prevents the growth of hair permanently.

How does Kaya laser hair removal work?
With the invention of technology and the developments in laser technology, Kaya laser hair removal is the ultimate hair reduction treatment that one can have. We at Kaya understand every hair type and so deal with it differently. With the smartest and biggest dermatologist team working hard for the betterment of civilization and women, we provide customized solutions to laser hair removal treatments.

Why are we the best in laser hair reduction technology?
Be it any kind and type of skin and be it of any color, we have solutions for anyone and everyone. The science of hair removal works by tracing hair and then targeting it specifically. The darker hair is easy to trace and so easy to removal forever but the lighter hair might have a condition to deal with, but we at Kaya make sure that the latest US FDA technology we own help everyone and every hair. The latest platforms like Diode, Alexandrite and ND Yag help in getting every hair out and making you satisfied.

We are worth a try
We provide the solution after studying your skin type, hair conditions and then a customized specific treatment is offered. There may be many sessions you have to attend as we work to give you the best and with it the guaranteed assurance that you will feel better. There are also different meeting allotted with our dermatologists to make sure that your every condition is thoroughly analyzed for the treatment that will be provided to you

The Kaya team invites you for a permanent hair removal solution, the laser hair removal treatment and save those special moments you give on hair removal for someone special and someone you love. So give us a chance to root the unwanted hair out and gift your confidence back.   


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